Camponotus consobrinus – Australia

Magnificent colony with large brood. Exceptional size. Endemic species of Australia with a beautiful coloring. Easy breeding and without delicate overwintering. Delivered with export certificate.



Presentation of Camponotus consobrinus:
Camponotus consobrinus is a species selected for its attractiveness in breeding thanks to an impressive size and an ease of breeding clearly superior to European Camponotus. Its development is rapid and wintering is not essential (slight drop in temperature possible in the fall). Its coloring is superb, combining black and orange.

Easy to feed, it likes sweet liquids, aphid honeydew and insects that it hunts with formic acid.

Broodless queen (recent swarming), laying expected in the coming weeks. Do not feed the queen before the birth of the first workers. Place the queen around 27°C during the day.

There is an important polymorphism with small minor workers of about 5mm and major workers of 14 to 15mm long which appear in the more developed colonies, with a massive and powerful head to defend the nest. The queen can occasionally reach 20mm in length, which greatly exceeds the largest European species!

Camponotus consobrinus thrives easily when the temperature is 27°C. She grows in a nest with low to medium humidity and our artificial anthills suit her very well, with possibly an adaptation of the height of the rooms and the installation of the queen by the feeding area due to her size.

In addition, the addition of an external feeding area (Observation Area type) is recommended for this species which likes to explore a large area in search of food.

Camponotus consobrinus in its natural environment:

Camponotus consobrinus is endemic to Australia, common in southeastern forests. Exploration on the ground is done at all hours but it goes out in particular at nightfall and uses pheromone trails, but also public transport (one worker carries another) or tandem (one worker guides a line of followers in contact by the antennae).

Often in competition with Iridomyrmex purpureus in the slightly drier regions where it also ventures, this species has the technique of burying the entrance of the opposing nest under stones in order to prevent them from coming out during their search for food. When fighting, Camponotus consobrinus can assume a threatening stance by raising its abdomen before attacking with its mandibles. They can also spray the opponent with formic acid. Without great danger for humans, the bite of the soldiers can still be very painful and it is essential not to let the workers approach the eyes to protect themselves from formic acid.

Camponotus consobrinus digs its nest in all types of ground, in the ground, wood or under stones. The chambers are approximately 1cm high.

Campontus consobrinus cocoons were also part of the Aboriginal diet.

The Fourmiculture Charter on legislation and ethics:

Fourmiculture offers this exceptional species from Australia, a country that combines both the most impressive species in the world, and extremely strict legislation on their collection and export.

Because a large number of exotic species on sale are of fraudulent origin, Fourmiculture is committed to the authorities. The colony will come to you with:

1/ an export certificate
2/ an Australian veterinary certificate
3/ a health and legislative form.

These documents attest to our official authorization to collect and export queens of this species in limited numbers. Each colony is checked one by one to confirm the absence of parasites and the presence of brood.

We import them by high-speed carrier, whatever the cost, to ensure good transport conditions. The queens are taken during swarming, without destroying nests, and in extremely limited proportions.

Fourmiculture is also an establishment recognized by the French veterinary services, in possession of a certificate of capacity for the breeding and sale of ants, validated by myrmecologists, civil and environmental protection services (decision N°2016195-0002 of the Direction Department of Population Protection).

As an individual, the breeding of this species does not require any authorization because it is neither protected, nor threatened, nor invasive, nor dangerous.
We remind you, however, that the bite of the soldiers can be very painful and that the eyes must be kept away from its formic acid projection (short range). Finally, releasing the colony into the wild is prohibited and we will take back your colonies up to 50€. _____________________________________________________________
The Ant Farming Charter on this exotic species:

1/ Health demonstrated by the laying of the queen and the presence of brood during shipping, guaranteed without parasites,
2/ No “boost” (addition of brood or external workers to sell the colonies more quickly, the queen is high since swarming),
3/ Guaranteed delivery in good health: partial reimbursement in the event of loss of workers, total reimbursement in the event of loss of the queen (if delivered within 48 hours),
4/ Free breeding guide and health sheet provided,
5/ Colony taken back up to €50 and costs covered if you wish to part with it if colony returned in good health (see conditions).

Success Insurance:
We only sell colonies in perfect health and guarantee them during transport. For the most concerned, we offer a 3-month Success Insurance: in the event of loss of the colony up to 3 months after delivery, regardless of the reason, a new colony will be shipped free of charge (within the limit of available stocks, against a photo proof sent within 91 days following the transport. Return at our expense in metropolitan France).

The Fourmiculture Charter on delivery:

Our experience makes it possible to eliminate almost all losses during transport and we use packaging adapted and tested for this use. You will be delivered by carrier within 48 hours, and any loss of the colony during transport would automatically entitle you to a 100% refund. We add insulated packaging if necessary, at no additional cost.


More info on Camponotus consobrinus:

– Size of the queen: 16 to 20mm
– Size of the workers: 5-15mm
– Breeding temperature: 27°C during the day, 20-24°C at night
– Wintering: None, or a slight rest period around 15-20 °C for 2 months in the fall.
– Food: Sweet and protein liquids, small living insects (crickets size 2 to 4, fruit flies, mosquitoes, etc.) or dead, jellies, meat, etc.
– Humidity requirement: medium.
– Generally monogynous (one queen maximum per colony), sometimes polygynous in nature.
– Maximum population of the colony: estimated at several thousand workers.
– Color: Black with an orange coloration over a large part of the body, according to workers and colonies.
– Estimated maximum longevity of the queen: 7 to 15 years

Photo: Copyright Antkeeping Depot

Further information

Number of workers


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