Diggable Breeding Kit Combi Set – Ants of your choice


Premium glass beginner breeding kit with built-in digging nest. Anti-collapse, anti-static electricity. Perfect sightings. Made in Germany.



 Diggable breeding kit Combi Set with ants of your choice.

  • Complete top-of-the-range Combi Set. Allows the observation of ants during the digging of galleries vertically, which guarantees the pleasure of playful and educational . There is no more stress linked to a nest that is too big. It is also more activity to observe.
  • Large digging surface for perfect observations and development of up to several thousand workers.
  • All in one with large nesting area integrated into the formicarium and spacious harvesting area for food: Space saving.
  • Supplied with accessories, heating, food and ants,

A high-end nest: Made in Germany and full glass, an excellent alternative to the digable anthills known on the French and Spanish market. Entirely in frosted glass. Reworked by Fourmiculture in France, the Combi Set Kit provides everything you need, breeding guide, carefully raised ants (queen + eggs + workers), quality food and accessories for heating, feeding and observation.

Exciting observations: Observations are easy and the colony grows throughout the season with the birth of new workers. The thickness of the substrate is adapted to the species to prevent them from hiding inside. The observations are preserved, all the life of the colony usually invisible underground unfolds in front of you, vertically.

Integrated ants: colony of ants raised by us, with a queen, eggs and a good population (in generation, 10 to 20 workers minimum) ready to dig their nest. The transport of the ants takes place in a tube suitable for transport, ready to connect to the anthill to proceed with the move. We guarantee a healthy delivery transport.

Guaranteed success: if your colony is lost within 3 months of receipt, we offer a new colony.

We are recognized by the veterinary services and select the most beautiful colonies from our breeding (sometimes over a year old). All that remains is to take care of it according to the Guide du Parfait Antculteur provided!

Check out the video of the Diggable Nest Combi Set shot in Berlin:

Easy maintenance: The colony lives with little care because the Lasius or Camponotus consume the nectar and gradually empty the drinker, and look for the proteins that you will distribute 2 or 3 times a week (fresh insects, meat, tuna, sweet milk, etc.) . The Messor are even simpler because they feed on seeds that they store in the dry part of the nest, and draw from their grain loft as needed! Be careful though: moisture management is more delicate on this species because any excess can harm their reserves.

Regarding the humidity, it is enough to keep the substrate moist using the pipette directly on the sand (never let it dry) on about half of the nest. And we recommend placing a lamp (bulb provided) near the nest, monitored by the thermometer, to provide an ideal temperature for the growth of the larvae (27°C during the day). In winter, the colony must remain cool for 2 to 3 months (8-15°C) to ensure its winter rest, except for Messor minor which is active all year round.

Compared to an acrylic terrarium, the Combi Set Diggable Breeding Kit has many qualities:

  • Absence of dangerous static electricity for ants,
  • Healthier bonding,
  • Sustainable and ecological materials,
  • Not afraid of scratches during cleaning or due to sand,
  • Qualitative manufacturing in Germany,
  • Ease of maintenance and renovation of the substrate,
  • Special sand for good resistance to collapse.

See how to use the Breeding Kit HERE .

Available with Messor barbarus (other species on request).

The easiest species to raise, self-sufficient in food thanks to its seed stock, self-sufficient in water for 1 week or during your vacation using a reservoir (water tube, etc.). Good size for observations and with more aggressive “major” worker castes.

More information on the species Messor barbarus here .

Major Messor barbarus

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