Lasius cinereus – Colony with Queen and Workers

Lasius cinereus is more aggressive and grows faster than other Lasius. A good choice for a species of Lasius less classic and more pleasant to raise.

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Fourmiculture Charter on our Lasius cinereus:
1. Breeding approved by Veterinary Services, carried out by a specialist under certificate of capacity,
2. Guide to the Perfect Antculturist offered and health sheet provided,
3. Ants guaranteed without parasites,
4. Health demonstrated by the laying of the queen and the presence of brood during shipping,
5. No “boost” (addition of brood or external workers to sell the colonies more quickly),
6. Guaranteed delivery in good health: partial reimbursement in the event of loss of workers, total reimbursement in the event of loss of the queen (if delivered within 48 hours),
7. Shipping possible from -12°C to +40°C thanks to our insulated packaging optional,
8. Species present in France, non-invasive and not threatened,
9. Colony taken back and costs covered if you wish to part with it (see conditions).
Description of the Lasius cinereus colony:

Lasius cinereus is similar but more advantageous to breed than Lasius niger. Indeed, all the qualities of the latter are found in Lasius cinereus with the addition: a faster development, a slightly lighter color, a slightly larger size and a more developed aggressiveness.

Lasius cinereus has a large appetite and it is easy to feed it sweet liquids. She may also feed on small fresh insects for protein, or even hunt them herself if they are small and harmless enough.

Size of queen Lasius cinereus: about 9mm
Size of workers: about 3-4mm
Food: sugary protein liquids, jellies, insects.
Desired humidity: Medium, adapts well.
Temperature: 27°C during the day on part of the nest, a little less at night (not less than 19°C).
Wintering: compulsory from November 15 to January 15 minimum (2 to 3 months), from 5 to 17°C.
Keep an eye on the humidity and continue to feed the ants during this period in case of activity.

Photo 1 of illustration by Antstore (Copyright) with Lasius niger,

Further information

Weight 0.1kg
Success insurance 3 months


Number of workers


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