
Liometopum microcephalum – Queen and brood

The initial price was: €75.00.The current price is: €25.00.

Liometopum microcephalum is a rare species with silver and russet colors. Native to Eastern Europe. Be careful, some queens have brood that does not evolve.

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SKU: 94-1-1 Category:


The Antculture Charter on our Camponotus ligniperdus:
1. Breeding approved by Veterinary Services, carried out by a specialist under certificate of capacity,
2. Guide to the Perfect Antculturist offered and satin sheet provided,
3. Ants guaranteed without parasites,
4. Health demonstrated by the laying of the queen and the presence of brood during shipping,
5. No “boost” (addition of brood or external workers to sell the colonies more quickly),
6. Guaranteed delivery in good health: partial refund in the event loss of workers, total in the event of loss of the queen (if delivered within 48 hours),
8. Non-invasive and non-threatened species,
9. Colony taken back and costs covered if you wish to part with it (see conditions).

Queen dedicated to the discovery of this species without guarantee of results, see below.

Offered with your colony: “The Perfect Antculturist’s Guide”
with more than 10 PDF pages to know your ants and take care of them!

Liometopum microcephalum is a very rare species native to Eastern Europe. It is part of the Dolichoderinae subfamily. It often lives in the wood and forms large colonies with workers with very particular coloring; they look like Formica rufa, with the head and the black abdomen with silver reflections while the thorax is red. The queen is black and looks like a giant Formica, although more elongated.


Attention !! These queens laid well, but the brood is currently not evolving. It is possible that it evolves after the wintering but without any guarantee of result. We therefore offer these queens at a super reduced price to suit collectors, taxonomists and reckless breeders.


Size of the Liometopum microcephalum queen: about 11mm
Size of the workers: 5 to 8mm with a certain size distribution in the form of caste.
Day temperature: 27°C for good development
Night temperature: 19-24°C.
Humidity: average.
Wintering: 2 to 3 months at 8 to 17°C.
Keep an eye on the humidity and continue to feed the ants during this period. Species incompatible with gel anthills, like all colonies with a queen!

Photo 1: Antsite Photo 2: Adam Poledníček

Further information

Weight 0.1kg
Success insurance 3 months


Number of workers