Messor barbarus – Colony with Queen and Workers


Messor barbarus feeds on seeds, it is the easiest to feed and has a caste of large major workers with an impressive queen. Messor barbarus are ideal for successful ant breeding and our shop sells certified colonies.

SKU: 541 Category:


Fourmiculture Charter on our Messor barbarus Ants:
1. Approved establishment of the Veterinary Services and the prefecture, in possession of the certificate of capacity for the sale of ants (decision No. 2016195-0002 of the Departmental Directorate of Population Protection)
2 . Perfect Ant Farmer Guide offered and health sheet provided,
3. Ants guaranteed without mites or parasites,
4. Health demonstrated by the laying of the queen and the presence of brood during shipping,
5. No “boost” (addition of brood or external workers to sell the colonies more quickly),
6. Guaranteed delivery in good health: partial refund in the event loss of workers, total in the event of loss of the queen (if delivered within 48 hours),
7. Shipping possible from -12°C to +40°C thanks to our optional insulated packaging,
8. Species present in France, non-invasive and not threatened,

Red Selection -> For a queen of a particularly colorful selection with a redder head, click HERE .

Description of the species Messor barbarus:

Particularly easy to feed and raise, Messor barbarus are satisfied with little care and the size of the queen is impressive: up to 14mm for the queen, the same for the largest workers who are born gradually as the colony grows.

The simultaneous presence of several sizes, from 4 to 14mm, makes Messor barbarus unique. The largest workers have a massive, red head whose powerful muscles allow them to transport and crush the hardest seeds and are called major workers.

The queen is black with a dark or slightly red head. Selection Rouge colonies are available with a specially colored queen head.

The choice of a small colony (less than 20 workers) makes it possible to start from the beginning at the cost of a little more patience. Messor barbarus colonies with around 50 workers usually have the first media workers (larger in size and more colorful) while colonies of 100 or more workers usually start having the first majors.

Developing easily at 27°C most of the time, the only constraint is to leave Messor barbarus cool with humidity and food for a month and a half in winter in order to ensure the resumption of development in the spring.

Feeding mainly on seeds that the workers store in the dry rooms, the Messor barbarus (and other Messor) are able to live on their reserves for months without worry. This greatly simplifies breeding. Observations remain numerous and you will be able to follow the production of a paste from the seeds in order to feed on them 3 days later.

Messor barbarus is a species very suitable for breeding and observation for beginners as well as for great enthusiasts who will obtain impressive colonies after a few years while ensuring a minimum of management.

We carefully raise the Messor barbarus in our “lab” from a single queen, collected during swarming and with respect for biodiversity. After several months, we allow you to buy these ants right here once the colony is well underway and in excellent health thanks to our optimal breeding conditions. We particularly recommend them to beginners for their simplicity of breeding, but the most passionate often return to this species because of its varied and interesting behavior. Among the 200 present in France, Messor are among the species most adapted to breeding.

The delivery of healthy ants is guaranteed by carrier within 48 hours and during the 3 days following delivery. We have developed special packaging for the safe (and environmentally friendly) transport of ants to your home.

Breeding sheet on Messor barbarus:

– Recommended breeding temperature: 24 to 28°C during the day and 19 to 25 at night for good development
– ​​Wintering (winter rest): 45 days recommended each winter at more than 10°C and less than 18°C . Ideal: 12°C.
– Humidity: Relatively low but constant and high over a small area. All our Anthills are designed for this species.
– Drinker: Recommended in the feeding area (special drinker, drops of water or damp cotton) but optional if the humidity of the nest is correct.
– Brightness: Never sunshine. Avoid too strong light and illuminating bulbs. A heater suitable for Messor barbarus is a ceramic bulb or a heating mat.
– Size of the queen: 12-14mm
– Size of the workers: From 4 to 14mm
– Color: Black, the large workers and the queen have a reddish head.
– Castes: Presence of small workers (minors), large ones with developed, colored heads and powerful mandibles (majors) as well as a whole range of intermediate sizes (medias)
– Estimated speed of development: A few dozen workers the first year, up to a few hundred the following year (depending on conditions).
– Type of habitat for breeding: Any type of Artificial Anthill with mineral layer and fairly high chamber, like all Fourmiculture .

Did you know that, to sum up:

– The lifespan of the queen and therefore of the colony reaches 15 years
– It is enough to feed her ants once a month because they store the seeds on which they feed
– The queen lays eggs which become larvae, then nymphs and finally adults in just 30 days
– Messor ants are able to hunt and eat insects much larger than themselves
– Ants are fascinating creatures to observe that more and more individuals and schools are discovering!

Behavior of Messor barbarus:

Larger and larger worker ants appear as the colony grows and help grind hard seeds.
Development accelerates sharply from the second year onwards and quickly produces very active and large colonies. The ant queen regularly lays clusters of eggs which will evolve into small larvae. After several molts, they will become nymphs (almost adult, white ants) which will finish transforming into adults. The complete cycle takes about a month, longer if the temperature is low. The entire colony feeds on seeds. The workers will shell and chew the seeds for about 3 days to make an edible paste often called “ant bread”.

The ants will live in the wet part of the anthill while the seeds will be stored in the dry area to prevent them from germinating.

Buy ants?

Buying ants is within everyone's reach, requires no administrative formalities and poses no risk to human health. Ant farming is a growing passion. Our customers are curious individuals, adults and children, schools or zoos etc. Buying ants and raising them is easier with a quality artificial anthill.

Buying Messor barbarus ants is possible from all over the world, we deliver with insurance included. This species is not a threat to biodiversity.

This species or any queen colony is incompatible with gel anthills!

Cover photo: GMX (gallery)

Further information

Weight 0.1kg
Queen Color


Number of workers

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