
Minora Model 5 Gen prototype. 2.8

The initial price was: €139.00.The current price is: €39.00.

Minora anthill prototype with significant aesthetic and technical defects, but healthy for the ants. Suitable for medium to large species.

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SKU: 3701537603548 Category: Tags: ,


We want to allow beginners on a tight budget to benefit from a product that is healthy for ants, ethical and made in France.


Better than a Chinese product or an all-plexi nest, often without valid humidification. Our prototypes, however, have the following defects, the reason for the exceptional discount:

  • Lower material quality (HDPE)
  • Less precise assembly than the Model 4 prototype, itself less precise than the conforming models sold at full price.
  • Rather suitable for large species.
  • Lower machining quality of the material (HDPE)
  • Occasional presence of micro scratches on the glass without any particular disturbance to the observations
  • No magnetic fixing of the cover or the glass. Recessed cover fitted.
  • Hot glue fixing of the window, removable if necessary.

Further information

Weight 0.4kg