White ant maze – Fourmiculture


Fun labyrinth making it possible to observe explorer ants over a long distance between the anthill and the hunting area.

Only 2 left in stock



Principle of the Ant Maze in plain white color:

The Fourmiculture maze is an original and fun design for observing your exploring ants while traveling over an extended distance, which is ideal between the hunting area and the anthill.

Our Labyrinth makes it possible to follow the deposit of pheromone track and the time necessary for the explorer ants to cross the labyrinth. Then, it enhances observations and tracks exploring ants through the glass. Indeed, it becomes very interesting to follow the evolution of the ants: from the passage marked by the pheromones tracks, the ants will be able to immediately recognize the way to join the exit quickly.

Manufacturing and dimensions:

Using the hatches provided, it is possible to authorize or close the passage. The off-white background provides perfect contrast and observations are excellent thanks to the integrated glass. The Labyrinth is compatible with ants of all species up to 16mm long.

Despite “small” dimensions of 11x7cm, the distance that ants can travel between the entrance and exit is equivalent to a straight line of 80cm!

  • Plexiglas® recessed glass with crystalline transparency,
  • High-end and fine workmanship, the longest and quality manufacturing parameters,
  • Use of ecological bioplastic,
  • Removable by integrated bolts and cleanable,
  • … And 100% made in France!

More information and anecdotes about ants with the green version of the maze HERE

Exploration of the labyrinth by Messor:

Further information

Weight 0.09kg
Dimensions 5cm


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