Quadricity.Model 6


Here is the latest Quadricity Model 6 orange anthill with crystal edging and black background!

The Food and Housing Modules are available in the same color and on order if out of stock.

The result of several years of development by Fourmiculture and our engineers, the Quadricity is quite simply the most advanced Artificial Anthill there is. It brings together treasures of ingenuity to make breeding and observing ants absolutely simple thanks to a series of innovations, in particular:

– Division into 4 “rooms” parts for up to 4 colonies,

– Patented 9-level humidification and over a month of battery life,

– Expandable from 22cm to 44cm diagonally with 8 optional modules,

– Ultra-Modular with “Dwelling” and “Food” Modules in 2 sizes,

– Adaptable room height.

The Quadricity thus puts the breeding of ants within everyone's reach, whatever its species from 3 to 16mm long, while helping great enthusiasts to succeed in their breeding.

Photo: Quadricity Model 2

4 Parts “Housing”.

1 central crossroads.

Up to 4 colonies.

The Quadricity is divided into 4 “Housing” parts connected by a central crossroads.

Each part consists of chambers similar to those that ants find in nature.

A set of partitions allows you to choose whether your ants will have access to the other chamber parts or not by turning them at will to the “Open” or “Closed” position at the central crossroads.

We've even provided a mesh partition to let your different colonies feel through the laser-cut micro-holes. Observe their reactions. It has been proven that sensing a potential adversary increases the production of soldiers in Pheidole pallidula!

Raising up to 4 totally different species is absolutely easy and allows you to compare their differences. For example between the impressive Messor barbarus harvesters and the small Lasius niger aphid breeders. (The extra humidity generated by 4 colonies is not suitable for Messor whose seeds may germinate.)

All the other experiences are possible: raise 1 colony then gradually expand the space it has, raise 2 colonies and offer them 2 “Dwelling” parts each and so on! Otherwise, why not compare 2 diets on colonies of the same species?

The Quadricity simply gives you the possibility of raising from 1 to 4 colonies with a minimum of space by avoiding the purchase of useless Anthills (with 4 colonies, the Quadricity costs 44.75€/colony).


Mini-feeding area integrated into the Quadricity anthill.
In order to feed your still few ants, you can deposit the food in the central Crossroads presented above.
A cover provides access. Of course, it is also divisible into 4 thanks to the Partitions to feed each colony (seeds for Messor, sweet and protein liquids for Lasius…). Thereafter, you can add an external feeding area per colony according to your choice. Chambers adaptable and compatible with all species*
The dimensions of the chambers have been designed to suit almost all species. However, it is possible to vary the height of the rooms by removing or adding a floor to adapt as closely as possible to the needs of the species raised.

The Quadricity is supplied with two floors of 4mm or 8mm for a height that will suit Lasius, Messor minor and young colonies of Messor barbarus.

For the largest species (Camponotus ligniperdus, large colonies of Messor barbarus), it is possible to add a third floor of 4mm and thus reach chambers of 12mm.

If you are raising species of different sizes in the same Quadricity, we advise you to keep the 2 floors provided for a better height compromise.

* Very small species such as Pheidole pallidula sometimes require jointing of parts of the anthill. Conversely, breeding species over 16mm in length is not recommended.

3rd generation humidification system by capillarity.

Reliable and revolutionary with 9 visible humidification levels.

Virtually unlimited autonomy.

Patent filed with INPI.


Your ants will never again fear lack or excess of water, infiltrations and oversights because we have designed a new humidification system that is more reliable than anything that existed before.

It's simple: fill the tanks placed under the anthill. In a few minutes, the rooms become humid by capillarity.

Indeed, the Quadricity humidifier is made of a bioplastic, itself containing an ultra-hard and absorbent mineral material. It includes the floor of the rooms of the Quadricity anthill (or modules), and serves as a natural moist support for the ants, meeting their humidity needs.

Thus, this system invented and patented by Fourmiculture is unique on the market and protected from any counterfeiting or copying.

After one or more years of successful breeding, it is possible to unbolt the old humidifier and install a new one in a few minutes to regain the cleanliness of the first day (in the absence of the ants, moved to a temporary anthill for the occasion). Designed as a consumable sold separately, it allows your Quadricity ant farm to last indefinitely in near-new condition.


Autonomy of more than a month!

Expandable at will according to the capacity of the tank!

With 8 wicks and 9 levels of humidity, the Quadricity can humidify according to the needs of your ants and with precision in terms of wet surface: 0%, 12.5% ​​(Crematogaster), 25%, 37.5% ( Ideal Messor barbarus), 50% (Ideal Messor minor, Lasius niger and most species), 62.5%, 75%, 87.5% (Ideal Myrmica rubra, Lasius flavus), 100% (Ideal Solenopsis fugax, Ponera coarctata).

8 transparent tanks are offered with your Quadricity as well as feet to keep it correctly raised above the tanks.


A healthy environment that respects the needs of ants.

The rooms are the result of a long work of cutting by robotic machines in an unalterable Plexiglas of food quality. Numerous and organic in style, they resemble natural anthills to facilitate the movement of ants and optimize the space gained by the absence of humidifying foam.

The total living area corresponds to more than 2 Minora anthills. Thus, the maximum population of a Quadricity is estimated at more than 3000 Lasius workers, or more than 1000 Messor workers.

Then, our patented mineral humidifier is bolted under the anthill, allowing the ants to live in contact with the moist mineral matter for optimal bacteriological balance and suitable humidity conditions.

Smart link system.

Photo Quadricity model.2

In addition to the partitioned central intersection, the Quadricity is equipped with our connection system on each residential part. You can therefore very easily bolt an additional module to the outline of your anthill, an Observation Space, a breeding tube or any accessory compatible with 9mm pipe. The Partition located just behind the connection can be placed in the Open or Closed position without disconnecting the accessory in place.

Unlimited modularity: For a growing city.

Raising ants is fascinating because it evolves over time: the colony grows, becomes more active and offers you new observations. Thus, Fourmiculture imagined the Quadricity as an evolving concept thanks to Housing modules and Food Modules to be attached around the central Anthill to adapt to the needs of the colony.
Attach 4 Small Modules around the Quadricity Model 2 anthill, you obtain a complete belt-shaped extension perfectly respecting the style of your original artificial anthill. And if you want to go even further thanks to our bolting attachment system, it is possible to add a second belt of 4 Large Modules for a giant Quadricity and develop a fascinating megacity!

The possibilities are unlimited from the first belt of Small Modules:

– Add 4 “Food” modules (1 for each colony, or for maximum space at your main colony),

– Add 1 “Food” module and 3 “Housing” modules if you are raising a single colony and want to focus on bedrooms,

– Raise a fifth colony in a small “Housing” module and a large “Food” module, independently of the Quadricity in the center,

- Etc.

With a second belt (Large Modules) to go further:

The extensions are however not an obligation because the ants regulate the laying according to the available space, the temperature and the food.

“Housing” module:

Are your ants thriving? This module bolts around the Quadricity and allows them to continue their evolution. It features the same patented bonding and humidification system as the Quadricity, providing more space and more spacious chambers (ideal for large colonies of small to large species).

This is a real little artificial anthill that can also be used separately. All the Fourmiculture technology is there: 2 zones to humidify to choose from, rooms with adjustable height, partition system, etc.

More information on the Small Housing Module and the Large Housing Module .

“Food” module: 

This module bolts to the Quadricity Model 2 ant farm and provides an outdoor environment for ants to explore more freely. Designed as a panoramic terrarium in thermoformed Plexiglas®, it allows them to be fed easily and ensures captivating observations, especially when they descend along a transparent “stairwell” provided to help them get from the top of the module to the floor of the Feeding Area with ease.

More information on the Small Power Module and the Large Power Module .