Tropical Ants & Cleaners Ecosystem Kit – Size M


Formicarium complete with semi-autonomous ecosystem. Allows observation of ants, springtails and soil-cleaning woodlice, plant growth and life cycles.

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New complete ecosystem in a jar with ants and cleaning insects.

A semi-autonomous concept to assemble at home to observe the cycles of life:

The ant cycle:

The terrarium contains a colony of Asian ants , the beautiful Camponotus habereri. They interact with other insects, explore the environment offered to them, arrange their nest and maintain their colony made up of a queen, workers and larvae. The contrast between the yellow workers and the dark substrate is particularly aesthetic. We observe the birth of new workers , the search for food, communication , their reaction to other insects, the development of larvae in the heat… Likely to hide in the substrate, they remain discreet but are present. The population increases over time and the surface activity increases over the months.

The environment is healthier for the ants: very natural, it recreates excellent living conditions. The queen and her colony can live up to 15 years.

More info on the species HERE .

They feed very easily 2 to 3x per week with a cup of nectar or jelly provided to place at the bottom of the terrarium. The food is discovered by the explorer ants and brought back to the nest and then shared. This power supply is clean and generates very little waste. The remaining ones are eaten by cleaner insects.


The cycle of earth and springtails cleaners:

The soil is kept healthy by the action of springtails: small cleaning insects naturally present in the soil, we add them voluntarily in order to enrich your observations. They evolve in the ground and on the surface to feed on biomass, leftover food and decomposing elements. They are white and easy to observe . A few brewer's yeast flakes, fish flakes or other food can be added in very small amounts to feed the springtail colony weekly. Once a year, we can consider replacing part of the soil to revive the environment.

The water cycle :

The glass of the jar absorbs the sunlight , the temperature inside rises, which causes the plant to sweat.
evapotranspired water condenses on the colder walls of the terrarium and will be transformed into small water droplets that the ground will absorb. Then, the roots of the plants absorb the water, and the water cycle begins . Condensation to naturally irrigate the plant to infinity. The humidity and heat inside the terrarium recreate a heavenly micro-climate for tropical plants and ants. Just add a few tablespoons of water per year to maintain this closed system.

The light cycle and photosynthesis:

Light also allows the plant to carry out its photosynthesis by drawing water via the earth and the roots by capturing carbon dioxide and producing the elements it needs to live, such as oxygen in particular . If it were not necessary to feed the ants, the terrarium could live closed in total autonomy, closed for months by recycling its gaseous and solid waste.


Composition of the terrarium kit:

  • Recycled glass jar – cork stopper. Diameter: 15cm, Height: 25cm
  • Main plant: Ficus Ginseng
  • Secondary plant: Fern or other plant (fittonia, ivy, etc.)
  • Decoration: Natural moss and small pebbles
  • special substrate
  • Ant colony Camponotus habereri, queen, workers and larvae
  • Collembola colony
  • Protein jelly for ants
  • Food packet for springtails and woodlice
  • Cups for depositing food
  • PDF Breeding Guide, Terrarium Care Guide

Manual :

  • Prepare the terrarium by placing the soil and the plants according to your taste and following the guide.
  • Install ants, springtails, woodlice, moisten very slightly if necessary, without soaking the substrate.
  • Place the terrarium in the light, never in direct sunlight.
  • Feed the ants 2 or 3x per week with the food provided.

Our plants and ants are guaranteed for 2 months

Photo Lasius flavus: Andy Murray

Further information

Weight 1kg


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