Christmas Success Kit: Messor cephalotes

This foundation kit includes a queen Messor cephalotes with brood, the largest Messor in the world, and a Deluxe refillable Tube kit + Plexi Hunting Area, accessories and free success insurance. Success guaranteed.


Special Christmas offer with a gift of your choice to select and -10 euros discount on the entire kit 🎁

Messor cephalotes Success Kit: Observe one of the most beautiful species in the world without disappointment. Indeed, Messor cephalotes is as beautiful as it is tall, but also delicate when it is founded.

The secret of success: In this Kit, we therefore offer a queen with brood, suitable equipment, and a total guarantee: if the queen does not survive until the birth of the first worker, we will send a queen free of charge with a more advanced brood, or a colony with workers (depending on our stocks: immediately or during the next swarming). Being a sensitive species when founding, this is a huge difference offered to our customers.

Equipment suitable for Messor cephalotes: The kit includes a Deluxe Breeding Tube with liquid water reserve for a visible level and long autonomy compared to sand tanks. Its large size is suitable for the queen and limited supervision will allow the queen to found her colony. After the birth of the first workers, it will be possible to add the hunting area provided to distribute the food, consisting of seeds, and continue breeding up to several dozen workers.

Also contains: 5w heating mat, thermometer, food sachet, 12-page breeding guide.

Breeding tips:

  1. Moisten the tube by adding water to the reservoir.
  2. Place the heating mat on the tube with the thermometer probe at the hottest point and move the mat away or raise it until you obtain 26°C during the day, without exceeding 28°C. Turn off the mat at night. Use a thermostat for added comfort and safety or a heat lamp.
  3. Once conditions have stabilized, move the queen from her transport tube to the Deluxe tube. The simplest solution is to put the two tubes face to face.
  4. Once the queen is in her Deluxe tube, offer her a drop of nectar or sweet liquid once a week on a piece of aluminum foil so as not to dirty the tube, and wait until the workers are born.
  5. Send us your best photos or a sign of your success 🙂



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